Experience Ultimate Restoration + Invigoration

Infrared Sauna + Cold Plunge
(Fire + Ice) Experience

Book a Fire + Ice Experience

The Nordic Tradition of “Fire + Ice” is a centuries-old practice rooted in the ancient customs of Scandinavian and Nordic Regions. This tradition involves alternating between hot and cold exposure as a way to promote health and vitality, and has been embraced for its therapeutic benefits and ability to enhance both mental and physical well-being.

What is Fire + Ice?

Revitalize your Body + Mind

At Marigold, we proudly offer a Cold Plunge and Sauna Experience inspired by the ancient Nordic tradition of "Fire and Ice." This centuries-old practice of alternating between extreme heat and cold is designed to invigorate the body, calm the mind, and promote overall health and well-being.

Whether you're seeking relief from muscle tension, mental clarity, or an overall boost in vitality, our facilities offer the perfect environment for relaxation, recovery, and rejuvenation.

In the Nordic countries, saunas have been an integral part of daily life for thousands of years. The word "sauna" itself is of Finnish origin, and its use dates back to ancient times. For the Nordic people, saunas have historically served not only as places for bathing but also as spaces for spiritual and physical cleansing. Traditionally, saunas are heated with wood-burning stoves, providing intense dry heat.

The high temperatures in the sauna are believed to:

  • Promote deep relaxation and stress relief

  • Cleanse the body by inducing sweat, helping to flush out toxins

  • Improve circulation and cardiovascular health

  • Relieve muscle tension and joint pain

  • Support mental clarity and emotional balance

The sauna is a place of both physical rejuvenation and social bonding in the Nordic tradition. It is common for families and friends to come together to enjoy the warmth, with a focus on relaxation and reflection.

Fire (Infrared Sauna)

In stark contrast to the soothing heat of the sauna, Nordic tradition emphasizes the invigorating power of cold exposure. After spending time in the hot sauna, individuals will often submerge themselves in freezing cold water—either by taking a dip in a nearby lake, a cold plunge pool, or even rolling in fresh snow during the winter.

This sharp transition from heat to cold has profound effects on the body:

  • Stimulates blood circulation by constricting blood vessels and then dilating them as the body rewarms

  • Boosts the immune system by activating the body's natural defense mechanisms

  • Reduces inflammation and soothes sore muscles

  • Promotes mental resilience by challenging the body's stress response

  • Enhances energy levels and mental alertness

The contrast between the heat of the sauna and the cold plunge creates what is often referred to as a "thermic shock," which invigorates the body and leaves individuals feeling refreshed and re-energized.

Ice (Cold Plunge)

Benefits of Fire + Ice

Benefits of Infrared Sauna

*Our Luxurious Infrared Saunas offer a therapeutic space to relax + unwind. Regular Sauna use has been shown to

Detoxify the Body by encouraging the production of sweat and movement of lymph fluid

Improve Cardiovascular Health by increasing heart rate + blood circulation

Relieve Stress + Promote Deep Relaxation

Muscle Soreness + Joint Stiffness

Skin Health through Deep Cleansing

Benefits of Cold Plunge

Cold Plunging is a time-tested method used to accelerate recovery and promote health. Submerging your body in Cold Water for short periods can help to

Reduce Inflammation + Soothe Sore Muscles + Joints

Circulation + Stimulate the Lymphatic System

Energy Levels and Mental Alertness

Strengthen the
Immune System

Enhance Mood by triggering the release of Endorphins

At Marigold, our State of the Art Cold Plunge Tub is maintained at optimal temperatures to ensure you experience the full range of benefits in a safe + controlled setting.

Contrast Therapy - A Harmonious Balance

The alternation between hot and cold, or "Fire and Ice," is more than just a physical experience—it’s a way to harmonize and balance the body's natural rhythms. This practice has gained popularity worldwide due to its ability to:

Promote overall health by enhancing circulation, detoxification, and recovery

Relieve stress and tension by shifting between deep relaxation and invigorating stimulation

Support mental clarity and emotional well-being by fostering a meditative state during the sauna and a surge of alertness after the cold plunge

Nordic cultures have long recognized the power of this tradition, integrating it into everyday life as a way to support longevity, resilience, and vitality.

A Tradition for Modern Times

Today, the practice of alternating between heat and cold is embraced by wellness enthusiasts and athletes alike. Whether used for recovery after physical exertion, as a means to detoxify, or simply as a way to relax and recharge, the Nordic "Fire and Ice" tradition remains a powerful tool for optimizing health and well-being.


Is there a “Right” or “Wrong” way to Cold Plunge + Sauna?

There is no right or wrong way to Cold Plunge and Sauna, BUT we do have some pointers! A weekly Sauna + Cold Plunge Routine that worked best in studies looked like this:
2 or 3 Rounds, ending in the Cold Plunge (this is important). You want a total of 11 minutes of Cold per week, and about 1 hour of heat exposure weekly, spread over 2-4 Sessions.

How Cold does the water need to be when Cold Plunging?

To reap the benefits, the cold exposure has got to be truly cold: the temperature of the water should be 59 degrees or less. Minimally, you should immerse yourself just past your shoulders but, if you really want to jumpstart your body's responses to the water, fully submerge yourself when you first get in. 

How hot do your Infrared Saunas get?

Our Infrared Saunas reach up to 140 Degrees Fahrenheit - you are able to control the temperature of the Sauna while you are inside!

Is there a greater benefit to staying in the Cold Plunge for a longer amount of time?

When you first begin to plunge, it is ideal to prep your mind and body by turning your water cold at the end of your shower in the days leading up to your first cold plunge. The first time you plunge, you may get 10 seconds to 60 seconds of time in the tub. As you build a tolerance, you will find that it is easier to cold plunge for a longer amount of time, but there is no scientific evidence of any benefit past 10 minutes at a time. The recommendation over the course of a week is 11 minutes for optimal benefit.

Is Cold Shocking your body after a Hot Sauna a good idea?

In short, Yes!

The contrast of cold immersion after a hot sauna session gets your body to do incredibly awesome things like increase blood flow, release endorphins, get the lymph (or lymphatic fluid) moving, and force your body to calm its nervous system down.

When you immerse yourself in very cold water, you activate your fight, flight, or freeze response. When purposefully exposing yourself to cold and hot in contrast, you activate this system and build up resilience in that your body is encouraged to adjust and calm itself because, despite activating that response, you are safe; you are not in danger and so can practice calming the system and building resilience to stress.

What do I wear when I am in the Cold Plunge + Sauna?

While birthday suits are the required uniform during Float Sessions, you can decide what to wear for your Fire + Ice or Sauna Appointment. For the Fire + Ice, you will be showering first. You can choose to wear a bathing suit if you are more comfortable, but you can also wear your “birthday suit”! Whatever you are comfortable with is fine for Fire + Ice.

Do you accept HSA/FSA Cards?

In short, yes. Our Point of Sale System for our Floats + Fire & Ice + Sauna is set to accept these cards. However, we cannot control the parameters your card sets on spending. We suggest that you check with your card company before use!

Is your Infrared Sauna Near, Far, or Mid Wave Infrared?

Our Fire + Ice Room Infrared Sauna contains Full-Spectrum Wave Light.

In What Order Should You Do Contrast Therapy? Does the order of hot and cold affect safety?

The key to optimal results is to start and end cold!

Here's a weekly Sauna Cold Plunge Routine that works best in studies:

Do 2 or 3 rounds per session of cold-to-hot-to-cold (ending in the cold is super important). You want to end up getting 11 minutes of cold exposure and about an hour of hot exposure over a week (which can be broken into 2-4 sessions). 

Bear in mind, the order of hot and cold in contrast therapy does not affect safety, so in that sense, it's truly up to you, whether you end with hot or cold. Again, optimal results are yielded from cold-to-hot-to-cold, but if you want to feel a little more comforted, you can finish with heat. You'll still get benefits.

How frequently can you practice Fire + Ice safely?

Based on scientific research, 11 minutes or more of Cold Exposure and 57 minutes or more for Sauna bathing per week will give you the most benefit.

How long should I sit in the Sauna before going back to the Cold Plunge?

You have one hour during your Fire + Ice Experience - what is most important is that you listen to your body! You can simply Cold Plunge until you’re ready to switch, then get into the sauna until you are too warm, and dip back-and-forth to your heart’s desire! If you like a routine, try starting with a cold plunge and plunging anywhere from 10 seconds-2 minutes, then try to sit in the sauna for 20 minutes - then repeat, attempting to stay in the cold plunge a bit longer the next time.